Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Exercise is important for everyone irrespective of gender. However, after twenty five years of coaching at I have found the effectiveness of your workout will partly be influenced by your sex. Due to our physiological differences, men and women do not burn fat or build muscle the same way. This means that some exercise and nutrition advice will work better for one sex than the other. So what are some of the considerations you should make as a woman while looking for the best fitness training?

Dietary Needs

What you eat while working out is essential to the results you hope to achieve. Popular belief is that carbohydrates are a great source of energy for those who regularly work out. Women however burn fewer carbohydrates and protein than men but they also burn more fat than men. So don’t shy away from the fats; if anything, take fewer carbs and proteins and you will see better nutrition results.

Focus On High Reps

All men and women who do not train have the same fiber type distribution. However, during strength training, a woman’s muscle fibers are converted into type I fibers or are not converted at all. This means that women can withstand fatigue better than men during strength training. Therefore, to get optimal results, women should do more high reps for every set during strength training.

Handling More Volume

Women have the hormone estrogen which is key in repairing muscle, reducing the breakdown of protein, and protecting a woman’s muscles from damage. This means that women can handle training at a higher volume without experience muscle injury.

Many studies have shown that a woman can withstand stress training at a full range of motion better than a man. Therefore don’t shy away from exercises that involve heavy contractions of your muscles because your body and tolerate that stress better than a man and give you better results.

Approach Explosive Training With Caution

Women are not as explosive as men because their nervous system is less efficient. This means that men can generate force faster. The part of the brain that reins movement is larger in males than it is in females. During high-intensity training such as powerlifting, men can do more reps than women. Secondly, men recover faster from explosive exercises than women. It can take a woman up to 72 hours to recover from an explosive workout such as sprints. Women are therefore not well adapted to explosive training and should therefore not put too much emphasis on this area otherwise they risk overtraining and sustaining injuries.

Pay More Attention To Conditioning

While women are not adapted to high-intensity interval training, cardio training works remarkably well for them. Studies have shown that women get more results from cardio training such as aerobics than men. In addition, cardio training plays a key role in managing the hormonal levels in women and consequently, women who invest heavily in cardio workouts tend to have better moods and are more emotionally and psychologically balanced.

Whether you’re creating your own workout routine or working with a professional, keep these five tips in mind to get the best results from your training as a woman.

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September 2024

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